Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

I'm sure I mentioned this before, but not all my posts will have the date, since I generally refer to the date in the post, and the posts publishing date are attached to the post itself.  Then again, I may keep with this formula.  We'll see.

Reconnected the CIV equipment in the lab since we had a GT videoconference.  Moved the projector from that room to the "APSCN Mini Lab" we now have, since there was another APSCN workshop today.

Turns out, we were left off the room list for the videoconference, so through a bit of detective work in order to determine the actual NAME of the event, AT&T got us scheduled in!  It's good to know the right number to call and to have a solid working relationship with those that can help get things done!

I made a run to the local hardware store to buy nuts for the bolts I am using for our switch racks. I don't know what the deal is, but the bolts I have are about a hair's width too skinny.  Seriously. I have to screw them into the rack, but as soon as I let go of a switch, the screws pop out as if they are too small! Bizarre!

Several of us loaded up and went to the old building to clean up another several loads.  At this time, I've got all the technology I can think of moved.  I've got folks coming to help with Smart Board transfer, but that should do it!

Back at the office, I started moving switches around and using the nuts I bought to keep the bolts in place.  Extra steps, but well worth it.

At 1:00 or so, I headed to Blevins to help with more troubleshooting.  This time, I brought the FOX & Hound with me!  Man, that makes all the difference in the world.  They have wires going to places that do not necessarily match where people *think* they go.  With the Fox & Hound, we traced out several connections and were able to get the trouble taken care of! Awesome!

At 3:30, I headed home.  As I got close to the house, my phone rang and it was the office trying to get a couple of digital copiers set up on the network.  I either have bad wiring, or misconnected wiring, or something.  The tech could not get things working. Guess that'll be the project I start off with on Monday.

As yes, that reminds me. At various points throughout the week, I have been emailing back and forth with Bradley Schools.  They are having connectivity issues.  I am going to quickly get things up and going at the office on Monday, then head down south to see what I can do there.

When is human cloning coming?

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