Tuesday, August 10, 2010


8:30a - 9:45a - Worked with Prescott schools during their Pinnacle software update.  The update was performed via remote desktop session from tech support with Pinnacle.  Ran into a couple snags during the configuration phase, but between the three of us, figured everything out and the software is ready for the 2010 school year rollover!

10:00a-12noon - Taught teachers how to access their new classroom portals, including posting announcement, events, photos, etc.  Also discussed adding students and creating groups based on class periods, dropping students into those groups, then setting permissions so students could only participate in their assigned period discussions, etc.

12:00-12:15p - Talked to AT&T about moving the T1 connections.  He had mistakenly been told to move the lines TODAY! Whoa! I am glad he called me!  He said he would put everything in place and then we would be able to "flip the switch" on Friday to get connectivity to our new building.

1:00p-2:00p - Helped user recover distribution list that had been mistakenly deleted.  Talked with Phoebe about the upcoming move, the convo with AT&T, and other issues related to the new building.

2:00p-2:20p - Talked with Bradley administrative assistant regarding her limited access to perform certain functions on her computer.  Walked her through the process of adding her to the local admins group.  Once done, she had access to all the software she needed to run (signage, Office, etc).

2:40-3:45p - Worked with Bob Cochenour at Western Co-op regarding a business-facing Facebook page.  We set up the page then spent a considerable amount of time trying to lock down the page to meet their needs.  Evidently, there is some 'super-secret' to getting Facebook to "let" you do that.  Apparently, there is a "whitelisting" process that can provide this.  Of course, actually getting support from facebook is impossible to find.  It amazes me that we, as a society, allow ourselves to post and host personal information on a site that provides no easy means for contacting the people that run the show.  There is something not right about that, I think.

During this process, I also helped one of our users with her login and password.  I anticipate several folks needing that help as they return to schools after being off in the summer (and not checking email).

3:45p-4:00p - Called Bradley schools to talk with HS Principal regarding the IP addresses for their video systems.  Apparently, DLC had to cancel a few of their classes at the last minute.  Luckily, ASMSA stepped in and will provide the needed classes.  I also gave her the phone number to ArkansasIDEAS because she has a teacher that could not log in. I tried to locate the teacher with the STIN lookup tool that state techs have access to, but she did not appear in the database.

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