Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday and Tuesday (2/27 and 2/28)

Monday - took the Etherscope to Fouke.  Their network looked pretty good!  They had some IPX traffic (printers) that we got under control and our walkthrough of the wireless network found a mobile hotspot and a Nintendo handheld device.

Tuesday - Took the Etherscope to Hope Schools.  We found several issues - some duplicate IPs, some IPX traffic (mostly printers), a few others.  Spent the day working on those plus some other issues and topics - iPads, New Tech school, new administration, various Mac OS apps, etc.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Week of 2/27/2012

Still have a lot of catching up to do with posting my past workloads.  In the meantime, here is what's on the agenda for this week:

Monday - Fouke Schools
Tuesday - Hope Schools
Wednesday - Office (Record weekly Podcast SWAEC@Technology)
Thursday - Lafayette Schools
Friday - Bradley Schools
I will be at various schools over the next couple weeks performing network analysis using the new Etherscopes we received as part of a grant.  Should prove to be quite eye-opening!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday, Feb 21, 2012

Restarted the Firewall. Having issues with ISA Server 2006.  Put in a HEAT ticket with DIS.  They called and said problem looked to be local.

Went to Hope ECH and ran new network wire. Will install wireless later this week.

Answered phone calls and emails.  More troubleshooting on ISA Server.  Restart Firewall service.

Spent 20 minutes on phone with woman from Connecticut regarding technology department restructuring. She got my name from AESA contacts during the Colo Springs conference.  VERY cool conversation!  I hope my thoughts were helpful. 

More troubleshooting ISA.

After poking around, I managed to come across a weird situation another admin had whereby the UPS into which the core switch was plugged had errant power flow problems.  We have been having a battery issue with one of our UPS units, so I moved the plug from that UPS to another. So far, so good. I'm not holding my breath, though. We'll just have to see.  In the meantime, I had already ordered a replacement battery, so that's now on my priority list for Wednesday!

I just hope that was the fix.  If not, it looks like the NIC in that server may be going out. That won't be fun.

I swapped a telephone set in early childhood - theirs was showing the worng button programming. usually that is a software issue. In this case, though, the phone itself is.. wonky.

This afternoon, I am heading to Prescott to help with IDEAS logins, etc.  Then tonight, I am talking to the Prescott school board about e-rate.

Schedule 2/21/2012

I will post "catch-up" entries this week.  Man, it has been crazy busy with Tech Grants, Tech Plans, E-Rate, various meetings, etc! Wow!!

Here is my schedule for the week:

Monday - CLOSED
Tuesday - Hope ECH, Office, Prescott Schools
Wednesday - Office
Thursday - Office
Friday - Office
*Note: I will be doing site visits as well, and will update my schedule accordingly.

Monday, February 6, 2012

February 6-10, 2011

Monday - Office
Tuesday - Arch Ford Co-op
Wednesday - Office/Board Meeting
Thursday - Genoa
Friday - Office