Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thursday and Friday, maybe

October 21 and 22

Thursday, I met with the tech who helps out with our phone system.  He showed me how to re-record our "night mode" greeting, but more importantly, he fixed our voicemail system so that when it is in "night mode," the calls go to the primary phone instead of the extension that USED to be the primary phone.

We also discussed the voicemail system.  We have an original hard drive-based system, and the hard drive is making unpleasant noises.  That just means it is a matter of time before it finally dies and we have to replace it with an updated flash drive-based system.  He's getting me a quote on that.

General daily duties followed, so far as I can remember.

Friday - I met with our DL Coordinator, Trish, at Prescott to look at their DL issues.  They had a lot of packet loss, but AT&T said the problem was local.  After classes ended for first period, we unplugged the switch in the telco cabinet and we unplugged the power to the codec.  After a few moments, we restored power to both places and let things run.  Since there was no second period class, we asked the facilitator to take notes and see if the problems persisted.

From Prescott, Trish and I drove to Genoa to look at their television.  After a power outage, the TV would not display the distance learning sites.  When we arrived, we met for about 30 minutes with the HS Principal about the system, Target Testing, and a brief talk about classroom walkthroughs using the iPad.  He has one now, and wanted help getting it set up.  We couldn't do that (did not have login info) but we said we would find out the info and get back to him!

After that, we went to the DL room and I was able to get the TV working after playing with the menus a bit.

I spent part of Friday afternoon working on my boss' home set up (same cable modem issues) to work remotely.  After a bit of troubleshooting, we knew it was a cabling issue.  Turned out to be an INSIDE cabling issue, which is a bummer since I could have fixed that had I thought about it for a few moments.

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