Thursday, October 6, 2011

10/3/11 - 10/6/11

Monday - came to office until 10:30am then went home sick.

tuesday - Genoa Central middle school and elementary school video installs. Then, went to the high school to work on two video systems there. Reconfigured main DL for 100/Full connectivity and changed IP information on the new system for virtual field trip use (or class use via V2IU connection in Little Rock).

Wednesday - Attended ACOOP training on new DRP software from state. in the afternoon, installed the portable video unit for the co-op. Went to UACCH to help with that video unit install. Hit a few glitches there, but got them ironed out. Left UACCH with installer and headed to Nevada Schools. There, we installed the new video unit.

Thursday - Spent most of the day providing tech support to Fouke for a new server application install. Also handled email correspondence regarding video issues at Bradley. Scheduled the monthly area tech meeting. Talked with several vendors. Set up an on-site visit for Prescott on Friday after a meeting I have with a wireless (wifi, not cell) vendor. Installed a new network printer in the specialists' area. Hunted down a rogue wireless access point on the network. Well, "rogue" is a bit strong. It was one that had been misconfigured and I set it to right. Explored a couple of iPad apps for tech usage, but found them lacking (sorry, the names of the apps escapes me just now). Oh yeah, had to hunt down a telephone extension issue that turned out to be an issue with the placards we use to display people's extensions - a lot of troubleshooting and wire-moving for not, it seems. Emailed to several lists - cooptc, sys_admin, etc regarding various issues and topics. Experimented with various DHCP scenarios on our server. Researched various ISA 2006 settings and scenarios, user permissions issues, etc.

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