Friday, October 28, 2011


I am home sick today, but because Verizon and Alltel merged, there is a problem with our ERate invoicing. Because of THAT, we cannot yet get our reimbursements from Verizon. It was an issue that I thought had been resolved. I was wrong. So, while sick, I am now working with USAC, Verizon and whomever else to get this resolved. I had to file an extension, which will hopefully be approved by USAC until this gets figured out.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


I will catch up with missed days in another post.

Today, I took a laptop and wireless printer to one of our early childhood programs, installed them. I also created a user account on one of the ech computers in that same facility.

After that, I went to Fouke Schools. We worked on users, groups, shared folders, permissions, a little bit of group policy. I also helped them with questions regarding subnets and expansion of their commodity internet.

Following that, we worked on permissions issues on the mac server. Turned out to be a problem between the user and their home folder. When deleting a user on a mac server, be sure to also delete/rename that user's home folder before attempting to create another user account with the same name.

Talked on phone with Bradley regarding ERate.

Once back at the office, I worked on E-Rate (BEAR forms etc) until end of day.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

10/07/11 - 10/18/11

10/7 - Had an aerohive demo for possible wireless solution at the co-op main building. Took care of general troubleshooting and other daily tasks.

10/10/11 - Installed new CIV systems at Blevins as part of RUS Grant.

10/11/11 - Installed new CIV systems at Prescott as part of RUS Grant. Also worked with Doug on a couple Sharepoint issues that seem to center on a webpart for slideshows. The java script used evidently clashes in some systems with the code for rich-text editing. Working to find another slideshow solution.

10/12/11 - Met with the Business, Technology, and Education Advisory Council for UACCH. Had a very open, frank conversation regarding skills needed, classes and topics to be taught. Met with Curtis Stout Company to evaluate a possible Crestron solution for the co-ops main conference center.

10/13/11 - Met with various staff and performed daily tech activities, troubleshooting etc.

10/14/11 - Went to Bradley to help with various issues: SmartBoard, graphics issues, wireless, and other areas of needed assistance.

10/17/11 - Performed daily tech activites, upgraded iPad to iOS5, worked on two laptops and replaced a desktop. Checked one of the smartphones for problems. Temporary solution was to disable shortcut keys. Phone is eligible for upgrade/replacement.

10/18/11 - Replaced a bulb in Hope ECH classroom, present to the board the "App of the Month" - AudioNote, examined an older laptop for possible replacement.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

10/3/11 - 10/6/11

Monday - came to office until 10:30am then went home sick.

tuesday - Genoa Central middle school and elementary school video installs. Then, went to the high school to work on two video systems there. Reconfigured main DL for 100/Full connectivity and changed IP information on the new system for virtual field trip use (or class use via V2IU connection in Little Rock).

Wednesday - Attended ACOOP training on new DRP software from state. in the afternoon, installed the portable video unit for the co-op. Went to UACCH to help with that video unit install. Hit a few glitches there, but got them ironed out. Left UACCH with installer and headed to Nevada Schools. There, we installed the new video unit.

Thursday - Spent most of the day providing tech support to Fouke for a new server application install. Also handled email correspondence regarding video issues at Bradley. Scheduled the monthly area tech meeting. Talked with several vendors. Set up an on-site visit for Prescott on Friday after a meeting I have with a wireless (wifi, not cell) vendor. Installed a new network printer in the specialists' area. Hunted down a rogue wireless access point on the network. Well, "rogue" is a bit strong. It was one that had been misconfigured and I set it to right. Explored a couple of iPad apps for tech usage, but found them lacking (sorry, the names of the apps escapes me just now). Oh yeah, had to hunt down a telephone extension issue that turned out to be an issue with the placards we use to display people's extensions - a lot of troubleshooting and wire-moving for not, it seems. Emailed to several lists - cooptc, sys_admin, etc regarding various issues and topics. Experimented with various DHCP scenarios on our server. Researched various ISA 2006 settings and scenarios, user permissions issues, etc.

9/29-9/30 2011

Thursday, Sept 29 - Spent part of the day off and on researching and ordering various replacement items and equipment. Spent the better part of the morning meeting with the Director and Assistant Director over various issues - parking light timer, surveillance video, personnel matters, etc.

Cleaned my office since I had been out much of the previous few days. While doing so, I answered emails, conducted support via phone and text. a LOT of emails regarding distance learning connectivity and quality issues.

Friday, Sept 30 - Honestly, I don't remember what I did. A review of emails dated from that day shows a LOT of troubleshooting various distance learning network issues with a couple of schools - Bradley in particular. This was done through DIS, the school, and other personnel related to the process (AT&T, UACCH, etc).

I updated the trainer for an upcoming ACOOP training (the training took place on Oct 5).

I also spent a bulk of Friday at Blevins working on a variety of network, server, and desktop issues.