Monday, May 16, 2011

The rest of Monday

Connected with DIS, ADE and AT&T via CIV (heh-heh, just wanted to throw in a couple more three-letter things there) at 10am.  No one had trouble seeing or hearing our site.  We got the familiar "vaseline" effect (a weird smearing of video image that disappears almost as quickly as it appears).  Did some troubleshooting as follows:

* Moved the connections to different ports on same switch.
* Unplugged the switch then plugged it back in.
* Moved connections to a different switch.
* Hooked up a different codec (different brand, even)

Every item above resulted in the same effect - not working.  Pixelation, smearing, etc.

Brought Max at DIS on board.  After much discussion, I ran a cross-over cable directly from the codec to the router.  No connection at all.  Fixed crossover cable.  Got connection. (call that one 'operator headspace.')

SAME RESULTS!  This was both good and bad news.  Why?  Because it meant the problem was NOT on our network!  That's the good news.  The bad news: I can't fix it.  I have to rely on others to get it fixed.  Bad news...  Good news?  Max is in charge and this is his number one priority since this has been unresolved since we moved into the building in August.

After more discussion, I threw in the possibility that the router itself was the problem, even though the testors saw no real packet loss.  Max said he would check the processors in the router to see if they are pegging out at maximum, then trace routes back to DIS to see where the problem was originating.  We didn't have a loss problem so much as a latency issue.  I guess that means a whole different set of troubleshooting steps for those involved.

I relocated the codec into the tech closet so Trish could scan target tests.

I spent the res of the day evaluating quotes for pocket cameras, creating a new user in email, answering emails and phone messages regarding various issues and questions, worked out the schedule for the area tech meeting on Thursday.  I had to help a user get her email password reset - weird issue there. Her login takes her to a different page than everyone else.  I am convinced she was logged in under a different IE session.  She could not exit her session (something to do with COPA, I think), so I just reset her password and had her put in a new one.  I also worked on a machine that had on it.  UGH, I wish users would not install things like "coupon finders" etc.  I know, I can set our system to not allow such things, but I keep hoping education will win out!  Pipe dream? Surely, not.

I managed to squeeze in some other things, though right now they seem to have left my brain.  Let me say that having the tech offices upstairs and the labs downstairs certainly has me getting in my exercise!!  Up the steps, down the steps, repeat for at least half the day.

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